This loving couple had been talking for a while about having children. Chad was eager to be a father, and Lauren’s dream was to be a mother. They were completely enamored with the idea of expanding their family, but at the same time, they were terrified. Being parents was an immense emotion for them The couple was at the hospital, Lauren had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl, and all the relatives had gathered in the room to welcome and support the new parents in their first days. As the new mother rested in bed and others occupied their time, something strange began to stir under the sheets.

A somewhat complicated delivery Lauren had had a difficult pregnancy, not only the typical discomforts of the first months but also due to personal reasons, which made it a psychologically challenging pregnancy.

Unfortunately, the delivery was not a bed of roses either, so after giving birth, the mother needed to rest and stay in bed. Something that could not happen because when she was finally falling asleep, she felt something between the sheets that covered her.
Chad had a surprise ready

This young couple had just received the greatest gift as parents, their first baby, and they were, of course, enjoying it, but the journey to get there had been very complicated. Chad thought Lauren should feel special and loved on this tough day and for everything she had been suffering for a while now. So this father took advantage of his partner’s most vulnerable moment, with all their relatives present, to surprise his beloved.

What Chad had planned To properly organize the surprise for Lauren, Chad counted on the help of the nurses and assistants who had attended the mother during childbirth. Without them, the plan probably wouldn’t have gone well, so the entire medical team was informed and part of this little surprise. The couple had met years earlier, and after all the experiences they had lived through, and having brought a baby into the world, they now felt more united than ever. Although the road to get here had not been easy.
They were tense

Chad and Lauren had been preparing for this moment for months. The baby was about to arrive, and the doctors decided it was time to take the woman to the delivery room. There were undoubtedly very stressful moments, under a lot of pressure, but Lauren managed it perfectly, not letting panic take control of her and the situation. She had heard about the importance of staying calm and transmitting peace to her baby moments before birth, and that was what she was doing.

The awaited Everly was born Chad could not be prouder of his baby’s mother. Seeing the strength and courage Lauren had shown during childbirth made him appreciate her even more if possible. When little Everly came into the world, the feeling of these parents was indescribable. Everything they had fought for and all they had suffered was bearing fruit. Although the delivery was very complicated, both mother and daughter were fine. They just needed to rest and be calm, so the surprise Chad had prepared would have to wait.
Everything was going according to plan

24 hours later, when everyone was a little more rested and Lauren was feeling more energetic, something very exciting was about to happen. Chad had contained his desires to surprise his girlfriend for weeks, but he wanted the moment to be as special as possible, and with all the emotions running high after holding their daughter in their arms, he decided that would be the perfect moment. Both families were aware of Chad’s plans, so they acted according to the plan.

But more pieces had to fit for everything to go well And as has happened to all of us many times, surprises don’t always occur as we expect them, no matter how long we have been planning them, there is always a variable that can change everything. In this case, that variable depended on Lauren, the one being surprised. For Chad’s plan to work, Lauren had to let one of the nurses change little Everly’s diaper. At first glance, this doesn’t seem complicated, because the mother was tired and trusted the medical team, but one never knows what might happen.
Everything seemed to go well

Chad was counting on the recent mother’s fatigue to work in his favor, and it did. When the newborn needed the next diaper change, the nurse would be there to help with her part of the deal. For everything to go smoothly, the nurse would have to change the baby’s diaper and put on new clothes. So, while wrapping Everly in her blanket, everything seemed normal. The next step would be to hand the little girl to her father so that Chad could check that everything had gone as planned. The most difficult part was already done.

An emotional moment It seemed like an insignificant gesture that the nurse, after finishing dressing the baby, would pass the baby to Chad instead of the mother. But this father had something important to check, and when he did and understood that everything was going as expected, he did not hesitate to place his little girl in her mother’s arms. It took a few moments for Lauren to notice something strange in her daughter’s blanket. She didn’t quite understand what it could be since it was an odd texture, she thought it might be plastic, but she didn’t understand how it would have gotten to her baby. The mother began to worry, but luckily no one in the room seemed to pay attention.
The perfect trick

As this first-time mother removed the blanket from her baby to see what it was, she realized that the little girl was wearing different clothes. Something she had not bought and was seeing for the first time. On Everly’s onesie, there was a message: “Mommy, will you marry Daddy?” Lauren didn’t seem to understand anything until she looked up and saw all the family members recording this peculiar scene with their phones. As she looked at Chad, she understood everything and couldn’t help but smile.

A more than beautiful ending When she finally managed to get her voice out amid all this emotion, Lauren shouted loudly and clearly, “Yes, I will!” while the whole family captured the happiest moment of their lives with their newborn baby girl. At last, Chad could relieve all the accumulated tension from the birth, being a father, the surprise, and so much more that he even shed tears. His surprise had gone off without a hitch, everyone had cooperated and played a great role, and he now felt like the luckiest man in the world.